The DESOI Double Rotary Head features a particularly high degree of tightness. In case of beginning leakage, the seals are re-tightened easily and quickly from the outside. If necessary, the seal seats can be re-lubricated from the outside as well. Both of which considerably reduce downtimes during work. Further characteristics of the DESOI DRH are the hardened wear bushings at the rotor as well as the hardened running surfaces for the shaft seal.
Special designs are feasible.
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All advantages at a glance
- Longer life thanks to the DESOI sealing system
- Seals can be tightened from the outside
- Sealing seats can be relubricated from the outside
- Reduced downtimes
- Hardened wear bushings at the top and bottom of the rotor
- Hardened running surface for shaft seal in front of the bearing
- Drill pipe driving tube outside Ø 95 mm with through holes Ø 52.5 mm, 56.5 mm
- Connection size for casing pipe Ø 146 mm, 152 mm, 159 mm, 162 mm, 178 mm, 219 mm
- Saver sub with optional conical trapezoidal thread Ø 95 mm or API 2 3/8" IF
- Displacement distance 200 mm
- Connection for cuttings discharge DN 100
- 750 x 460 x 1,870 mm (L x W x H)
- Weight approx. 435 kg
- Free choice of colour according to RAL
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